Irunilamkode Temple administration members
The names and rates of offerings in our temple
Poojas conducted in Irunilamkode temple
Information of festivals in Irunilamkode Temple
Hello & Welcome
Irunilamkode Temple

Irunilamkode is a small village situated in the middle of Mullurkara Panchayath, sharply two kilometers from Mullurkara Railway station in Thrichur District, Kerala State. There is an ancient temple, very close to the main road. It is under the protection of the archaeological department of Kerala government. This temple is famous for various aspects. The idol is carved on rock at the bottom edge of a small hillock; inside a cave. This hillock lays spread in an area of more than 100 acres with solid rock.
The structure of the deity is very peculiar and rare, perhaps, seen nowhere else., Lord Dhakshinamurthi, the master of all masters, sitting on a pedestal, one leg mounted on the other, head a little lifted up, body leaning towards back and with a charming look at his devotees. All the four hands are bearing the traditional symbols. A shining silver crown, on the head, augments the Lord’s beauty in appearance. The idols of ‘Vishnu’, ‘Sivalinga’, and Devi are also sculptured in the same shrine.
Latest Sermons

He Does All Things Well
Speaker: Ramdas
Categories: Faith
May 13,2016
Ramdas feels that it is necessary to explain the meaning and purpose of temples, in which an image is installed as a symbol of God.

God is Beyond Name.
Speaker: Follower
Categories: Faith
June 18,2016
The instrument, which we have to make use of, in trying to comprehend Him, is the mind. And the mind can think only in terms of name and form.

Temple Worship
Speaker: Follower
Categories: Faith
July 23,2016
When we stand before the image, we take it as the very embodiment of the Divine. We sing before it of His great attributes, His infinite glory and power, His eternal existence.
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Our Causes
Let Us Do Good

In God,hope
Helping People Who Need It
The sanctity of the temple can be preserved only by the faith and devotion both of the priests and of the people who offer worship there. People must go to the temple only for worship

In God,Temple
Teach Children Love God
The sanctity of a temple largely depends upon the faith, purity and devotion of the priests who perform daily worship in it. The Mantras that are recited during the Puja are also charged with spiritual power.

In God,hope
How Important is Faith
The image, by itself, is only a mere idol, made of metal, wood or stone But the consecratory ceremonies at the time of the installation of the idol invest it with divine powers.
Next Event
Skanda Shashti
30:10:2022 – Sunday
5.00 AM to 12.00 PM
5 PM to 7PM
Latest News
Guiding Words for Living
May 6,2016
You matter to God

So, if we want to concentrate our mind on God, we have to give Him a name and a form. The image in the temple serves this purpose.
May 6,2016
Holy Atmosphere

All should have free access to a temple, no matter to what caste they belong. But the holy atmosphere in the temple should not be defiled.
May 6,2016
God is beyond all

God is beyond name and form. The instrument, which we have to make use of, in trying to comprehend Him, is the mind. And the mind can think only in terms of name and form.